Hi everyone, some of you may have been getting 500 errors if you tried to reset your password, register for a new account, or use the contact form. These issues stemmed from a failure with our mail server. As of right now, I believe the problem is solved, and will continue to monitor it closely. Thanks for your patience and support.
Published December 03, 2019 by johnroper100(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"/
For non-profits, effective communication is key to engaging supporters and driving action. Email Deliverability Test https://snov.io/email-deliverability-test ensures that newsletters, donation requests, and event invitations are delivered as intended. By verifying email deliverability, non-profits can maximize their outreach efforts, ensure their messages are heard, and build stronger relationships with their community and donors. This tool is vital for amplifying the impact of non-profit communications.