Update your email addresses

In this post we warned all those users who registered with dummy/temporary emails, before version 5 was released, about the sure chance they'd lose their accounts because they'd have to reset their password after the big update was done. Thad day has come and gone and those who remained oblivious of this fact are locked out forever. We're sorry this happened but we warned you months ago. Now there's no way those users can prove those accounts are theirs and so those accounts are lost forever. Sorry.

We know a lot of our users use bogus emails. Don't deny it, we know you do, whether it's to make multiple accounts (which we also know you do) or just to eliminate junk email.

However, when we switch to Version 5 of the site everyone will have to reset their passwords, so if your using a temp email, you won't get the link to do that and your account will be lost.

So make sure your email is a permanent, valid one! If you used a temporal email when you registered, please log in and follow the links in the red notices to update your email, or lose your account forever when we update. You can use this link: http://www.blendswap.com/wp-admin/profile.phpto update your email address.

Edited January 28, 2013 by mofx
