HJ Media Studio Contest Winners

I first wanna thank all the contestants for entering their great models in the contest, every category winner was extremely close, with the most separation between winner and runner up being 3 points.

Secondly, lets thank our judges Wes Burke, Dolf Veenvliet, and Ben Dansie three top names in the Blender industry willing to take time out of their super busy schedules to pour over your guys' models and judge them. THANKS GUYS!!!

Last but certainly not least a HUGE thanks to our sponsors HJ Media Studio for putting this whole thing together, Thanks Nick. Packt Publishing for supplying the prizes to our category winners and Lee Salvemini of CGMasters.net for the awesome Grandprize that will be given away. So Here We GO!!

Category Winners!

First places on each category will receive a copy of one of these ebooks (the winner chooses which) Blender 2.5 Character Animation Cookbook or, Blender 2.5 HotShot.

Land Category:

First place! Tank Challenger II Revisited by

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2nd Place: Dauntless by Greyoxide

3rd Place: RHINO Armored Personnel Carrier by Danilius

Air Category:

First place! ESH-2501 Modern Fighter Jet by

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2nd Place: SU-25 Frogfoot by Praydude.

3rd Place: AV-42 Wolverine by Blendshadow and KA-52 Helicopter by MrfSandor.

Mech Category:

First place! Puma Edited January 27, 2013 by mofx


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