
  • May 24, 2013
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Bapsis
  • License: CC-BY
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I wanted to make a very low poly grass system and saw a video on youtube from version 2.49 on a texturing and plane aray technique, but I was able to get the gist of what he was doing.

After a lot of mucking around and trying this and that and that other thing.... I think I finally got it looking decent for my needs and wanted to share in case anyone else can make use of it in their games.

You can alter the look quite a bit by playing with the "Use Alpha" setting under Image settings in the two textures. As well as the DVar under the Influence of the textures. As well as the spec, color, hardness etc... all that stuff alters it quite a bit and I've gotten everything from bright green astro turf to brownish patched ugly thin grass.

Let me know if the images packed correctly, first time trying that... Enjoy!


  • kingdede18 profile picture

    can I get your number I wanna come home and do your wife and kids (=

    Edited May 26, 2013
  • formfollowsfunction profile picture

    WTF is wrong with you?

    Edited June 01, 2013
  • Bapsis profile picture

    After closer inspection it really uses a lot of the rasterizer and is very heavy as far as frame rates go.

    I would not recommend using this method, unless you want to tinker with it and getting working decently. Sorry about that guys! :(

    It sucks too, because I had grass between my characters toes, that was awesome....

    Edited May 26, 2013
  • formfollowsfunction profile picture

    I know this method as well from the Youtube video the author mentioned. He used an array-modifer with 44 steps - so if you go down with the count and increase the distance between, you get a worse, but faster result. I remember that even popular games like IL-2 (a flight simulator) used this method. So if you dont have something/someone which steps on the grass its a good technique.

    Written June 01, 2013
  • lucasponce profile picture

    Thanks!!! Help me a lot!!!!

    Written December 24, 2013
  • Aegnor3D profile picture

    This was really useful, thanks a lot for sharing :D

    Written December 09, 2014