This is my recreation of Nanette from Gnomeo and Juliet. It took me somewhere around 40 hrs to
make this shot. She really isn't a complex model but posing her was a challenge since she was not rigged.
I had to position each and every rose petal by hand because none of the other methods (that I know of) gave me a good randomization. It was exhausting.
Textures were made in GIMP after the base was laid out by Blender's own texture paint mode. Lighting was the other challenge but a few replies on my WIP thread on BlenderArtists got me through it. In the end I had to use two Render layers one of which acts as a shadow pass in the final composite.
Rendered in Blender Internal - 35 mins.
Brilliant. Wish Blendswap would allow higher resolution previews.
Very, very nice! Have you tried particles or soft body simulation for petals?
Yes, I tried particles but they kept intersecting. I didn't try soft body simulations though.
This is realy nice work here. Though you mention it not being rigged, is there model might be able get from you where its in a rigging friendly pose? T-pose ect.
@Furlow, yep. I modeled her in T-pose then I posed her manually for the shot. If you give me your e-mail I can send her over. ;-)
Great contribution !! Thanks for sharing this !! I'd love to play with your T-posed nanette, if you don't mind sending it to me ? joe.sandwich -at-
Thanks again
Great Job. Love the model, reminds me of lord Harold from shriek. Its fun seeing another Ethiopian blender addict like me lol.
Great model could you send me the tpose version to aradtech68 -at- please :)