
  • August 05, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: krabz
  • License: CC-BY
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A simple crochet table cloth.

Using an array-modifier against and empty with 60 deg rotation.

1909 vertices on the crochet-object before modifiers are applied.


  • josepetri profile picture

    Very good work, I want to know if you have a tutorial about how to do this? congratulations for the good work

    Written August 05, 2012
  • krabz profile picture

    I haven't made a tutorial I'm afraid. I guess the modeling part would be pretty boring since the 60 deg pie piece was hand-modeled from a reference photo. (Took a few hours) But if you are unfamiliar with the way the array-modifier is used, there are some tutorials available. For instance: It's also described in the blender manual.

    As for the material used, I started out with a simple diffuse/glossy mix, and mixed this with a transparent shader, using a noise texture to control the mix-factor. The idea is to make it look like there are randomly distributed holes in the mesh. The same noise texture was also used as displacement to make the object look bumpy. Happy blending!

    Written August 05, 2012
  • ebailey94 profile picture

    IK it may seem boring but i'd personally love to see this process done. maybe do a second one as a timelapse? the detail is wonderful

    Written September 01, 2017