Castle on a Rock

  • July 12, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: TheDuckCow
  • License: CC-0
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This is one that I feel like I've been working on for awhile (or in other words for more than a week), originally made to be a birthday card for a friend of mine. Clearly this is the same house that was one of my previous weekly edits, but now composited into an actual scene. Made with blender, using cycles as the main rendering engine and the blender internal for the clouds.

Many of the materials are from cgtextures, which is usually why I tend not to "share" my models, but this time I carefully logged where I got each one – in the zip download, there is a document with links to the textures I could not include (though the model is more or less fine textureless, the node materials will not work). Inside is also the compositing node setup, and in the main blend a "WIP" stage of the model with the blueprints I drafted to create the house.

Short animation turntable:

Blender artists thread:


~Patrick W. Crawford


  • onlythoe profile picture


    Written November 05, 2014
  • EardrumManna profile picture

    Thx :)

    Written December 08, 2015
  • oystersauce profile picture

    hi. this house is super nice, the scene makes a great presentation! Patrick, do you feel it's ok if I use this for a commercial product? (a book illustration along with many other pictures). you gave it a public domain license, still I feel it's right to ask you. kind regards, oystersauce

    Written February 12, 2020
  • TheDuckCow profile picture

    Sorry for being uhhh 6 months late to reply? Wish I got notifications. Anyways, yes! You are free to - the model is CC0, equivalent to public domain.

    Written August 26, 2020
  • Pollux profile picture

    Thanks, love it.

    Written March 05, 2020
  • Vitazdes profile picture

    Wow, super!!!

    Written October 25, 2021