So this is a replication of the Japan WW2 battleship Yamato. I have made it as accurate as possible with a high amount of polygon so the file will be quite heavy. However, to prevent it to be over sized, I have separated each of the different turrets that replicated in other filed and used proxy. So if you can't edit an object, go check in the folders and you should find it. Also, the ship isn't unwrapped, therefor not textured.
I hope you like it and thanks for downloading it!
Tried my best to add as much as I could in it. Glad you like it.=P
its nice loved the details and your effort on making it, other than that your creation are amazing
Thanks! But... may I ask what are staff pick exactly?^^' I don't know blendswap very well yet. =P
Quite the model. When examined closely it really conveys the tremendous amount of effort humanity puts into machines of destruction. I opened each of the support file models and was really impressed. When the New Jersey came out of mothballs for the Vietnam war, I had the good fortune to work on a battle ship from that era. The Yamato had 18" guns, I think ours were equipped with 16s. At least the New Jersey was. As awesome looking as the Yamato was, it was no match for a carrier group, especially a night attack. That said your model is one of the best examples I have seen. Congratulations on the superb work.
I downloaded and found it quite impressive til I started to texture it. I keep finding little oddities. Like a ladder that goes through the hull. The top ring of the smokestack does not align to the smokestack. Next to the aft AA guns the hull and the deck do not line up properly. I am wondering where you got the hull lines from? As I look around the net I see missing detail on the hull and other areas, but considering the size of this file maybe that is best though.
The Yamato is a very difficult ship to model for good reason.
The yamato and its more advanced sister ship the Musashi, were built in absolute secrecy, under a canopy and launched in secret. The people working on the ship did not even know its dimensions. Only the people made the barrels for the main armament, knew there true scale. The workers did not know the length, breadth, height or anything else of the ship. workers were not allowed to discuss the ship with each other. The only pictures taken during construction were for admiralty and top secret. Literally no more than a few dozen photographs of the Yamato survive, as it was forbidden to take a picture of it by the people who built it or its crew. The crew of the Yamato had no idea what size the ship was or most other things about it, outside of there station on the ship. Due to its sheer size, the US navy thought from reconescance over flights of the ship that it was an island in Kure, until it moved.
Towards the end of the war the designs of the Yamato and Musashi were destroyed to stop the Americans getting any details.
The 1:10 scale model of the yamato at the Kure Shipyards in Japan is still not known to be accurate, although seems to be from surveyed wreckage. The ship has only been surveyed once and the Japanese government would not even let them touch the metal on the ships hull. The ship is in two pieces, having been split in two, by three explosions, all in the kiloton range when three armouries exploded in quick sucession setting of its 46cm (18inch) shells, making it impossible to measure its true length. The bow section is upright but the entire stern section is face down.
The wreck was confirmed by measuring the Chrysanthemum on the bow section of the ship, which was the only known accurate measurement of the yamato. That is how secret building the ship was.
The Japanese government makes clear it does not want anyone to even survey the wreck, which also stop accurate measurements.
The Yamato like its sister ship, are enigma's inside enimga's surrounded by mystique and legend.
Looks like the 1945 configuration, just before being sunk in April 1945 on its suicide mission to Okinawa.
This model would only require slight modifications to convert it to the Musashi.
Very good work.
i also want to modelthis ship so downloaded it for some close referance
Hey, the ship looks brilliant!! Currently having fun putting the weapons on it. One problem, the barrels for the main cannon looks like it has two barrels mixed in. I don't know if that was the effect of joining all the parts on the main gun or not. I thought you would know. All of the other guns do not appear to have the same problem.
Upon opening the MainScene.blend file, I'm noticing that only a single main battery turret is on the ship, all the AA guns and secondaries are missing, and many small objects seem to be missing as well. It looks nothing like the picture. Maybe my Blender version is too new or something, since I'm noticing that this model is from Blender 2.63. Anyone have any clue what's happening here?
Mine turned out the same, even with the most recent blender installment. I just took it as a challenge to put it all together, lol. You are correct, I does not look like the photo.
Do you have a link to the fixed version? Im new to Belnder and have no idea how I would fix this.
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Your post is incredibly thoughtful and well-written. If anyone else is looking for more on this subject, 토토사이트 might be a useful link to follow for additional reading.
awesome lvl of detail nice job!