The new version of the file 'Clay Man' which already has a rig too easy to use even with stretching functions and function IK (inverse kinematic).
The model has been modified and related to the rig, each switch changes the model
modeling and rigged by Brayan Samuel
(Bubles Studio).
La nueva version de el archivo 'hombre de Plastilina' el cual tiene ya un rig demasiado facil de usar incluso con funciones de estiramiento y funcion IK (kinematica inversa).
El modelo a sido modificado y emparentado con el rig, cada switch modifica el modelo
Modelado y aparejado por Brayan Samuel
(Bubles Studio).
I am working on a game, is it okay if i use this as the main character and credit you? I will keep you up to date on the game.
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can i use it in a video ?