A gigantic exosuit devoted to a single purpose: Smashing adorable little bunnies. It's rather well suited for the task, wielding a huge triple-bladed chainsaw and a massive gun known only as the "Tenderizer."
The model is fully UV-unwrapped and textured. Three 2k texture maps, one 1k map, and one 512x512 map mean that this machine is fully covered with gorgeous textures. Not only are the images themselves included, but the GIMP .xcf files I used to create the textures are included- letting you have full control over any customizations you make- one click can add a camouflage scheme, change decals, or completely alter the damage pattern. The weapons are removable and have their own texture maps, further enhancing the customizability.
Not to be outdone by the texturing, the rigging is also full-featured, with an intuitive control scheme and a fully rigged mesh.
More views:
Back View:
<img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6221032865_80b7d584be.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Bunnycrusher Back">
Ortho View:
<img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6092/6221032961_32b64b04ce.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Bunnycrusher Ortho">
Is that a bunny on his chest?
Too bad you didnt' finish this a week ago, it would've been a good entry for the HJ....
Never mind.
Turqoiserabbit: The suit actually <em>is</em> assaulted by chainsaw-wielding rabbits. That's why it's so damaged.
Jordan: The rabbits themselves drive a modified high-poly F.L.O.P.S.Y.
I do like all your models . I do enjoy that edge warn gone chiped paint deal look . I am looking forward to be able to do it on my models .
Thanks. It's a lot of work in GIMP, but comments like these make it all worth it.
Amazing model! Could I maybe use this for my project? I would make sure to give you credit.
Nice ! I like the textures and the arms are great :) I used a render of this here: https://youtu.be/8juo1Aymj54
Bunny crushing robot. Sweet! The textures are cool, and I like the design.
If you haven't already, you should totally make the chainsaw wielding bunnies and post them on blendswap! I also like that you're a GIMP user. Open source all the way!
You should do an animation! Chainsaw wielding bunnies piloting F.L.O.P.S.Y.'s attempting to destroy the BunnyCrusher! Is this the bad guy or the good guy? Sorry to post so many small comments in a row, but Blend swap won't let me edit my comments for some reason.
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I like this model quite a bit. The scratch textures are way too much though, it looks like this character took his own chainsaw to the edges of everything, and only the edges. They need to be a bit more subtle and slightly more random to look like realistic wear imo.
Good rigging too.