Hi guys! This model is separated and labelled ready to add materials and render. It's modeled directly from my old golf which I have no more... sniff! - There's only one material applied, a white clay shader - so you'll also need to add individual materials for each part, easy enough though.
Anyhoo, please do anything you like with it - scrap it, paint it, UV it, add new 17” alloys - Pimp it, even turn it into a hot-rod if you like!
For a bit of fun I've created a thread on Blender Artists so you can submit your version - a lot of competitions around just now (yay!), no prize here though - just a chance to show off what you can do, all abilities welcome to join in the fun! (no time limit).
P.S. Hope the mods don't mind :)
Wow nice model...Great job there Jay...hope to see some materials and textures there...keep it up By the way if you need any mat cap textures http://sespider.deviantart.com/gallery/169354#/d2vixyb
Hi guys! Just in case you're a noob and don't know and appear to be having difficulty setting up new materials for the VW Golf, I set up the blend to automatically render with the white clay shader - to disable it simply follow this...
1) Go to the "Render" tab (the icon with the camera-far left or the main panel) 2) Click on arrow next to "Layers" to open up the options 3) Near the top you'll see two fields, one for Light and one for Material 4) In the Material field (which should have the white clay shader listed), simply delete the text so it's left blank
Its a handy way of making every object in the scene render with one material - Hope I didn't confuse anyone! ;)
Hi Jon, thanks for the link to the Matcap textures, I wasn't aware of the technique before - I set up a node material for them and they work well enough for a quick dirty material, however I personally prefer to set up materials manually so I have more control - cheers for the heads up tho - was interesting to learn the technique. :)
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Here's the link for Blender Artist forum if you'd like to have a go at pimpin this fine VW <a href="http://goo.gl/RohDM" rel="nofollow">http://goo.gl/RohDM</a> :)