
  • July 19, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: jonathon6017
  • License: CC-BY
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This is a simple Fireman's Axe. Due to my lack of good texturing skill it only has basic Textures. Because I assumed that you would like to re-texture it yourself I kept the Head and the Handle two seperate objects. If you want to move them as a whole just join them. This is my first submitted blend and one of my first good looking completed blends.


  • mofx profile picture

    Hey Jonathan, it's a decent start for a model, couple things I would suggest you keep an eye on, you have multiple triangular polygons in your model, try and stay away from these specially at the base of your handle. That why the base of the handle looks jacked up. You could use some more edge loops in the handle once the triangles are cleaned up to make the handle more rounded. Also you should check out the feature Mean Crease in the preference panel. It's a nice way to add some clean edges to the ace head. Overall a decent start, keep at it, take a look at <a href="" rel="nofollow">Charlie D's Fire Fighters

    Written July 20, 2011