General wooden carport with roofing fabric. All textures included. Camera, Lamp and backdrop are on a separate layer.
Yes, the textures are OK, but the beams and the roof seems diproportionately large or strong. Make them thinner or the columns more thick.
nice. I agree with pomsar tho about the roof and beams being a bit on the thick side. Looks good. Need to put a boat in there.
great job thank you that's what I've done with you
I would mention your name in the generic of the final video
Hello After 3 years of work here , before the last version of the clip I've realized thanks to your sharing that I have on many hereby amended ^^ does not hesitate to give me all the notes and tips on things that could improve the final version. Wishes that you write your real name in the credits ?
Love your wood textures, I'm going to steal them. Great stuff.