Avocado Fruit PBR MODEL
This is a low-polygon PBR model of avocado fruit with PBR compatible materials Available in three different formats. Blender .blend , FBX and OBJ.
Software used: Blender 3.0, Krita & Substance Painter
Texture Maps: Base Color, Metallic, Normal, Height and Roughness
Texture resolution & format : 1024x1024 PNG
UV Mapped - Yes Overlapping UVs - No
Faces Count : 2178 and 2053 (Two Models) Vertex Count : 2180 and 2077
Rendererd in : Blender Cycles
Can be used commercially with credits Content not for redistribution
As a nutrition expert, I attest to the remarkable health benefits of avocado fruit. Rich in heart-healthy fats, fiber, and an array of essential nutrients, avocados senior assisted living Long Beach are a versatile addition to any diet. From improving cholesterol levels to promoting satiety, they exemplify the power of wholesome, nutrient-dense foods for optimal health.