Beer Mug

  • August 27, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: Ambar Games
  • License: CC-0
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Feel free to use in your project. No need to give credits but please give feedback.


  • Prem profile picture

    It is a great mesh, but it takes up a lot of space - 18.9 MB. I mean that doesn't mean its bad since most people will still use it, only I can't because I want this to be in my game that I am making, but can't have a 1,000 18.9 MB mugs. Great job tho! Hope to see future blends from you :)

    Written December 31, 2021
  • Ambar Games profile picture
    Ambar Games

    Hi Prem, sorry for the late reply. The reason it shows 18mb is because it's the entire blend file. You can export the low poly mesh (the one shown in the image above) and it would be in a few hundred kbs (probably even less). Let me know if you need help in exporting the mesh from this blend file. I'd be happy to help :)

    Written June 22, 2022
  • oliveras profile picture

    A time saver in a tight deadline. The model is in great quality too, Thanks a lot for making and sharing

    Written April 04, 2023