Quick Dithering - Color & Grayscale

  • June 05, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: MariusOberholster
  • License: CC-0
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This Blend contains 3 major things: - Dithering filter image - so when you append, pack images - Quick Dithering Grayscale Node Group - Quick Dithering Color Node Group

The dithering filter is for ordered dithering, so you get a very clean result. It does boost the contrast (as defined by Gimp) of the image, but I added some control to the filter with HSV to help you adjust as needed.

Recommendation is to use low-res when you go for a vintage effect and normal HD or 50% if you want to do screentone-type stuff - like converting your backgrounds for a comic or something similar.

Use is entirely at your own risk.


  • miss_sammie profile picture

    this is so cool!! thank you

    Written July 31, 2022
  • MariusOberholster profile picture

    I'm glad you love it!!! Seeing it in color for the first time was my fav part! Hope it adds that extra pop to your work that you're looking for!

    Written July 31, 2022