This more or less follows the topology from the CG Cookie tutorials. The other one on Blendswap has an N-gon but this one is all quads and follows CGC's topology almost exactly. There's extra geometry at the ankles for detail and connecting to the legs, and an extra loop at the toenails to hold the shape better.
Should be roughly to scale with real world units. I removed it from a WIP model of mine that is 1.7m or 5'7" tall. It also has UV maps, but they're not great.
Please note: the sketchfab version of the scene is slightly different. The Blendswap version only needs one foot with a subd modifier, but since sketchfab applies modifiers to blend files, I needed to show the topology unsubdivided, but also needed to include a subdivided copy so people could see the shape properly. With geometry this light, it looks ugly without subdivision.
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