Simple Cloud Shader

  • September 14, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: BroBpony
  • License: CC-0
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So this is a very simple cloud shader I made to add to a scene and as an exercise for creating procedural shaders with nodes. Not a very advanced shader but if tweaked right it can produce some decent results. It works best for cloudscapes rather than individual clouds though with the correct settings it can do that. The shader comes as a node group with different parameters labeled. Please do ignore those labels, the labels only describe what the settings do 'most' of the time lol. Make sure when rendering to set the volume step size nice and low otherwise you'll get lots of artifacts in renders. There seems to sometimes be a difference between what the viewport will show in render-view and what is actually rendered. Sometimes, clouds appear less dense in the viewport than in the render for example. Works in both Evee and Cycles.
