Sharkoon Skiller Mech Keyboard (illuminated) Fan Art

  • June 11, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Wind Kanter
  • License: CC-0
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As a fan of my first mechanical keyboard, I had to model it. This is my 3rd project with "Blender". I think you can say that this is a HighPolyObject (~92 MB). ^^

The textures (for the cable and the serial-number-plate) were created by me and are included in the BlenderFile. The rest are just Noise-, Voronoi- and GradientTextures with a little bit of ColorRamp.

Almost all components are individual objects and they are not connected. Except for the USB-Plug. It is connected to the cable (parented) so that you can re-route the cable by editing the BezierCurve.

Enjoy it and have fun!
