M249para Machine Gun

  • January 11, 2020
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: MikeeUSA2
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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I was conversing with some professional 3d artists (who knows) on /3/. I came to the realization that nothing I did would be good enough for them, and also that they lacked any self-agency: their entire life was devoted to creating 3d models on order from another: inorder to get "MUNEY TO SUHPPHORT MUH WUUHMAN". Why: I don't know. They were extra proud about all the "Muney" they made for their "wuhman" however. I guess it's a white american man thing: whatever.

I also noticed that the games they build models for all have an M249 Machinegun. I thought to myself "Imagine how many times this weapon has been modeled: how many times a "werkin mhran" has been given some scraps so as to "SHUPORURT MUH WUUHMAN", and then go onto web forums and berate Blender 3d.

That had to change. So here it is, the opensource, free, version of said constantly-modeled weapon. You, bosses who rule over these super proud REAL men: you never have to pay them for this model again.

I hope that I "linux disc checked" over some paid 3d modelers with this. YHWH willing. Enjoy.

MM scale: 1 in blender = 1mm.

Dual licensed: CC-BY-SA, GPL v2 Created for the Chaos-Esque Anthology open-source project.
