Parisian House

  • August 04, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: CGBusche
  • License: CC-BY
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Hello dear friend,

this blend shows the front facade of a typical parisian town building. It is again a repository of facade elements. On the roof are 5 different french roof balconies. Each floor has its facade elements. Included is one balcony railing. In the base floor there is a classic french shop installed with an entrance , shop windowes and wallsigns.

So help yourself, if you like, i wish you good luck for your own project. You may use it for any purpose even commercially. And leave a line,please, also with helpful critics, would be nice....

This Blend had 12 Likes until I uploaded new rendered fotos on 10th. Jan. 19.

Feel free


  • Comotempera profile picture

    Good work! Nice!

    Written August 06, 2018
  • CGBusche profile picture

    Thank you ..

    Written August 07, 2018
  • Comotempera profile picture

    Something can always be added. But often artists in adding details detract from the beauty of the whole. The devil is in detail. The beauty of the building is in its beauty of whiteness and purity. Thank you for sharing with us this beautiful piece.

    Edited August 07, 2018
  • CGBusche profile picture

    I would says, that with blender I am still in a beginners status. I do love the possibility to be 3 dimensional creative and to transfer it in any medium. Just a game , movie and so on. Especial games do give the possibility of letting other people experience complete worlds of art. It is in deed a great possibility. But when I m watching other blends very well textured. It does look of course very good. And by texturing you can avoid high poly and achieve fluently gameing. This blend do has a high polycount, therefore it is not so good. And I am not good at textureing and bakeing. Although i watches many good You tube tutorials by good cg artist and learned much, I do have the feeling of having learned nothing, crazy, I do have the feeling, that something profundal of understanding of the node setup is still missing. There is a youtuber named "" who brought it to a better point? by a video named "blender 2.7 - introdution to cycles nodes and mixing" I dont want to write to much, but thank you Comotempera for your nice advice.

    Written August 10, 2018
  • Comotempera profile picture

    Practice and every 6 months you will be as twice as good. You will not believe what you can do in a very short time.

    It's good for you to remember video tutorials, their authors, and what it's all about. For each problem in blender I know a video with answer of that problem in it.

    Ask somebody to make a low poly model of your house, post request.


    Edited August 10, 2018
  • Afrayw profile picture

    It looks very nice! thank you~!

    Edited September 04, 2018
  • CGBusche profile picture

    thank you, hope you find it useful ....

    Edited September 13, 2018
  • drumCheftain profile picture


    Written December 01, 2020
  • c'est moi-même profile picture
    c'est moi-même

    more real than real life!

    Written December 05, 2020
  • rollerpaper profile picture

    Heavy quixel gift

    Written January 09, 2021
  • rollerpaper profile picture

    Heavy quixel gift

    Written January 09, 2021