Baptismal font

  • July 28, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: geoffreymarchal
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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Baptismal font, Church Sainte-Renelde of Saintes, Tubize, Walloon Brabant, place of production unknown, second half of the 15th century, limestone hennuyer. Musee du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap Pro from AutoDesk.

During the Gothic period, the production of stone fonts continues punctually, according to needs, but we will never witness the emergence of an activity equivalent to that experienced in the 12th century.

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  • MikeeUSA2 profile picture

    Useless in opensouce work due to "Non Commercial" attribute.

    Would have liked to use it, oh-well.

    Why Non commercial if you just did a 3d scan? Can it be said that you even own any rights? Is doing a 3d scan a work of artistry or simply that of a copyist and archivist? If it is the second then there is no copyright vested in you. How can then one impose additional restrictions on such an old work that is surely out of copyright by now?

    Written August 12, 2018