A winchester model 1897 pump-action shotgun. Dual licensed: CC-BY-SA, GPL v2 Created for the Chaos-Esque Anthology open-source project.
Scenario: You are an american mmmrraannn (man, male) in the American Southwest. Other males wish to marry your "dautah". You do not have a millstone on hand to murder those males with, since your laud and saviah has not (yet) provided you with the implement, nor do you have a sea or ocean within your immediate effects.
How to kill all these males wanting your "dautah", like a rrreeall AMERRICAN MMRRAANNN (man) does?
Oh boy, do the owners of capital at Winchester have the toy for you!
The Model 1897 Shotgun is a single-frame re-enforced device for executing your "fellow" american males, should they glance at your "dautah". As we all know: a real man is 1: Happy to kill, and 2: Is sure he will come out on top!
Remeber: american real men "don play tha way"; so anyone who likes your dautah needs to be killed, as your laud has commanded!
Download the Model 1897 TODAY!
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