MPF - Desk

  • February 27, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: KmcASI
  • License: CC-BY
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Minecraft Pack Furniture - Desk 4 standart desks + 1 for modular | 2 chategori of objects (shelf & bookstand) | 2 tipse of objects (for middle side & for end side) | 2 side (left & right) | 2 doors extra (for left & right) | 4 shelfs (different sizes) | *26 total objects for that 1 modular desk | * Plus a text message to not be lost in my logic :D | BTW if u need to move one pixel more (u will need because desks are just 15 'pixels' high) the value for one pixel is 0.0625 :)


  • NotABot profile picture

    Cool stuff! they just keep getting better!

    Written March 06, 2018
  • KmcASI profile picture

    THX! I work on medels for Minecraft style because I try to learn how to make mods for Minecraft and in same time I will like to make Minecraft animations to promote the modes so I try to make them to can be used in Blender, Unreal Engine 4 and I have a software in development to help u to convert models in JSON file :) So will go slower and slower because I work on models to can be used and reused not just with Blender :P

    Written March 13, 2018
  • Follopa profile picture

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    Written April 16, 2024