5x5 Convolve for Cycles Nodes Materials

  • February 16, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: bandages
  • License: CC-0
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This is a 5x5 convolution matrix with a few kernels provided: Sharpen, Box Blur, Gaussian Blur, Edge Detect, and Emboss, intended to be easily to plug into existing materials in order to convolve images as necessary. Provide a step, a UV input, and edit the UV to Color Lookup group (currently just an image). Edit kernels as necessary or use one of the five provided.

There may be better ways to keep node groups linked and unlinked as necessary; I would love to hear about it. This may be more complicated than it need be. Coding support would improve this immeasurably-- matrix, separate, and combine nodes would simplify use-- but I'm not comfortable with Python. I was surprised when I couldn't find something like this already made, and it involves some tedium, so here you go, hope somebody finds it useful.


  • Verbaas profile picture

    I am gonna try it, it looks good, I can do not so much with phyton so thank you

    Written February 18, 2018
  • bandages profile picture

    Of course, hope it's useful for you!

    Written February 19, 2018
  • Nic4Las profile picture

    I am really impressed with this approach. I tried this like 2 years ago but back than I hand no idea what I did. This is an excellent addition to my cycles workflow. Thanks for your hard work.

    Written March 23, 2018
  • bandages profile picture

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

    Written March 25, 2018
  • Otclik profile picture

    Omg its awesome! I have long dreamed about what someone make a convolution matrix over the texture) Thank you

    Written May 08, 2018
  • bandages profile picture


    Written May 09, 2018
  • df1 profile picture

    Hi. it is possible to use it for working with equirectangular textures?

    edit: yes, it works if add values z

    thank you

    Written October 08, 2018
  • bandages profile picture

    Good to know :)

    Written October 20, 2018
  • moutafs404 profile picture

    could we increase it from 55 to may be 1010 !?

    Written November 27, 2021
  • cfttfc profile picture

    thank you very much, how can I multiple diffirent texture?

    Written June 27, 2022
  • cfttfc profile picture

    thank you very much, Can I use different texture?

    Written July 19, 2022
  • Royalj profile picture

    hello bro, have you did a version of this able to be insert in a procedural node setup with multiple of them that can stuck each one on each other, like in S.Designer ? or is it possible just with this ?

    Written July 15, 2024