Funky Furniture Set [ Vol.1 ] Fan Art

  • September 03, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: androgenius23
  • License: CC-BY
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Set of five wacky drawers and bookshelves based on various pinterest photos. I found them too cool to leave them as a 2D pictures so i've made them in blender. Textures that i've used aren't mine, i believe that one or two are CC0, but the rest probably have some copyrights, so keep that in mind while using those models. I left original file names to make them easy to track on the web. As for the UV, i've been lazy, so you may find some textures bloopers, i've focused more on the materials by trying squeeze some nice depth out of textures themselves. They look pretty nice i think, but still i have to learn something about creating normal maps and such.



  • MikeeUSA2 profile picture

    How closely related to the 2d pictures are they? Direct re-interpretations or "saw curvy furnishings online, later decided to make my own curvy furnishings". If it is the latter (not a direct re-interpretation, but instead your own original work working simply off of the "idea" of "curvy furnishings") then you do not have to set this as fan art as it would not be a directly derivative work.

    Edited October 11, 2017
  • androgenius23 profile picture

    Thanks for asking! So, each one is almost identical to pictures that i've found ( at least i wanted it to be). There are differences in the materials, but furnitures themselves supposed to be copies of actual products, not some general idea manifestations :) Here are some original pictures, if You'd like to compare them to those models :

    So i believe that in this case FanArt should stay. The same applies to those two other sets that i've made ( named vol.2 and vol.3 ). They also contain 3d copies of an existing products that aren't designed by me. Once again, thanks for Your comment. Cheers :)

    Written October 12, 2017