Floor Drill Press

  • May 03, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: asterlil
  • License: CC-BY
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This object is a mixture of all the drill presses I've studied while trying to build it. Almost all images on the net show these things from the left or near side, so I never did quite figure out how the stop gauge with two nuts works. If somebody will enlighten me in the comments I might be motivated to improve what I left in place.

What's on the drill head: 1. Digital stop gauge (the cop-out) 2. Gooseneck lamp 3. Drill RPM readout 4. on-off switches for motor, lamp, and laser guide 5. Release lever for pulley cover

There are close-ups of these in the extra images. One of the images shows the drill with Manny Mannequin, my go-to guy for scale, and in the background, that fire extinguisher is by Bastable (http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/73941).

Every mesh has a meaningful/real-life name, and the model is grouped and parented to an empty axis, ready for appending or linking.

About textures: I got the BMD_Chrome_0019 material from the tool chest by victorbied (http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/79124). Readouts and rulers are UV mapped; so is the material called "dark metal" that covers the head, base and other parts. It's actually an ice texture from textures.com, but I messed with it in Photoshop. This texture alone is responsible for the size of the file, so I left the blend unpacked with textures in a folder.

Every non-new drill I looked at was a seriously scuffed up machine. I leave it to youse guys to rough up the finish if you want, to make it less of a showroom floor model.

Please give me credit if you use the model in your own projects.


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