Golf Ball (Photorealistic)

  • March 22, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: 3DNut
  • License: CC-0
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Here is what I consider an accurate looking golf ball. It is even an accurate scale for an American golf ball.

Here are the steps to get you on your way to creating your own:

To Setup Primitive. Set your scene to work in meters. Add Mesh>Ico Sphere with 4 subdivisions. Add Modifier>Subdivision Surface (Ctrl+1) and Apply the modifier.

Creating Hexagons. Select one of the center points inside of any triangle. Select Similar (Shift+G)>Amount of Connecting Edges. Invert Selection (Ctrl+I) Delete (X)>Edge Loop

Create Dimples. Switch to Face Select mode. Create an Inset (I). Press I to make the inset occur on individual faces. Use a value of .02m (2cm) or whatever looks good to you visually. Scale the inset selection around .992. (You can enter that number by pressing F6 or consulting the Tool Shelf operation panel). Add a Subdivision Surface Modifier and crank it up to around 3.

Did you know that dimple size, shapes and patterns do vary? Now go ahead and try some variation on the dimples. Scuff it up with some bump information and put a logo on it. Have a ball!

Bryson Jack ( )


  • hixmyrick profile picture

    Excellent model.

    Written September 12, 2017
  • Niishantt profile picture

    Nice thanks for sharing ... :)

    Written May 04, 2018
  • richardsoinski profile picture

    Awesome, thank you!!

    Written July 06, 2018
  • ThunderBolt832 profile picture

    Looks great! Has a nice shine :)

    Written May 12, 2019