C Clamp

  • May 04, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: asterlil
  • License: CC-0
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Here's a C Clamp to go with my other woodwork tools, particularly with the drill press. I have organized the meshes to make it easy for users to stretch/shrink the frame and screw so you can generate your own set of clamps.

It's grouped and parented to an empty, ready to append or link. All parts have meaningful names.

Also present on a separate layer are the three curves used to create the frame, for anyone who wants to modify the design.


  • FoundationsofPause profile picture

    heh small world. I textured this back in July or so. Great model.

    Written March 08, 2018
  • asterlil profile picture

    Thank you! It would certainly benefit from being grunged up a bit, like your mouse trap. If I can conquer your gnarly nodes, I'll update the model. :)

    Written March 08, 2018