John 3:16

  • February 25, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: stereoscopic
  • License: CC-0
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I was quite surprised that I could not find any models of John 3:16 in a Bible so I made one.


  • fanta12 profile picture

    Thanks for this

    Edited February 27, 2017
  • master101 profile picture

    Great verse

    Edited February 27, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    I always Appreciate blends like this, thanks for sharing :)

    Edited February 27, 2017
  • tom.findrik profile picture

    thank you.

    Edited February 28, 2017
  • swordsd profile picture

    i don't get it.

    Edited March 01, 2017
  • sizzler profile picture

    Yeah, is it just text on a plane?

    Edited March 01, 2017
  • izuzf profile picture

    I dont understand this blend? What does it do?

    Edited March 02, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    This is called a "cycles material" upload. I can see how you could be confused, happens to anyone, since they are normally seen on spheres, a 3d blender logo, or Suzanne, but if you really feel such uploads as they are inadequate, take a number, and Mathew will get your complaint as soon as possible. He'l have the whole "material" category removed for you by noon tomorrow.

    Edited March 04, 2017
  • izuzf profile picture
    Edited March 06, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    Any time ;)

    Edited March 06, 2017
  • superfly profile picture

    If I were to place the caption "spiderman saves" onto a plane then shine a light on it, I would be criticized for shabby work.

    Edited March 02, 2017
  • strapazie profile picture

    Text on a plane? Blendswap has some serious quality problems.

    Edited March 02, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    I know right XP Blendswap for sure has quality issues XD, but this is called a "cycles material" upload. I can see how you could be confused, happens to anyone, since they are normally seen on spheres, a 3d blender logo, or Suzanne, but if you really feel such uploads as they are inadequate, take a number, and Mathew will get your complaint as soon as possible. He'l have the whole "material" category removed for you by noon tomorrow.

    Edited March 04, 2017
  • UMIAC profile picture

    its interesting how christian subjects scare the hell out of people....pun intended

    Edited March 03, 2017
  • sizzler profile picture

    I'm a Christian, and I think BlendSwap shouldn't have a plane with a texture slapped on it. Additionally, the texture is a page out of a Bible and is most likely copyrighted.

    It's interesting how people will use religion as an excuse for anything.

    Edited March 03, 2017
  • stereoscopic profile picture

    The page is not copyrighted because it is the KJV version of the Bible.

    Written March 04, 2017
  • Wig42 profile picture

    I though it was a joke to start with, nice node setup though LOL. Come on Blendswap, stop nonsense like this.

    Edited March 03, 2017
  • stereoscopic profile picture

    Hmm. Looks like some people liked it and some people did not. Think I should delete it?

    Written March 04, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    Nah, its great! If it got enough votes to be published from the pending blends, then its where its supposed to be :)

    Edited March 04, 2017
  • stereoscopic profile picture

    Thanks for the advice. I am glad you like it!

    Written March 04, 2017
  • PsJerry profile picture

    It's pretty cool.

    Written March 26, 2017
  • Omoesiri profile picture

    Its perfect.

    Written June 13, 2023
  • superfly profile picture

    Perhaps if you have sculpted a historic religious artifact like a the golden sarcophagus of Tutankhamen, an ancient Mayan temple or even the Ark of the Covenant then it would hold some artistic merit. What this really is, is a desperate attempt to push religious scripture minus the talent.

    Edited March 05, 2017
  • swaptoon profile picture

    Amen, now watch them get vicious. The true natuure of religious intolerant uneducated extremists.

    Edited March 11, 2017
  • swaptoon profile picture

    I remember the John 3.16 nutjob sign guy, who is now in jail where he belongs. He was spamming sport events to get on TV. These biblethumpers abuse any forum, arts,literatue,sports... to shove their message in your face. On the Makehuman forum there's also someone who makes crappy jesus stuff. There's plenty of examples that shows their 'art' is just a lame excuse for their propaganda. I asume most people see it as pushy and will not help their cause. Please stop it.

    Edited March 06, 2017
  • blenderfanforlife profile picture

    How much satisfaction did you get from leaving an angry and incoherent rant about religion on a blender website.

    Edited March 06, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    You didn't have to click on this blend swaptoon, nobody asked you to XD You certainly didn't need to make one of your few comments on blendswap a hateful one either.

    Edited March 06, 2017
  • gabeyp profile picture

    I agree with spenny and blenderfanforlife, Jesus Christ is our one and only savior. It is completely unacceptable that swaptoon is hating on this piece of art. Go suck a dick till you hiccup

    Edited March 08, 2017
  • jesusOnBlender1 profile picture

    Aye yo swapdude, y'all got it all wrong brutha! Ain't nobody fallin fo yo crap. Shut the hell up and stop spending all ur time on blender yo!

    Edited March 08, 2017
  • SwaptoonIsBitch profile picture

    peep my name swamp

    Edited March 10, 2017
  • blendrpro profile picture

    Damn he got ya there swaptoon. You r being a h8ter. Stop bro.

    Edited March 08, 2017
  • swaptoon profile picture

    Haha, you biblebelt inbred yokels crack me up!

    Edited March 11, 2017
  • spenny profile picture

    give it a rest already man, mindlessly typing hate in a chat box won't make your life better. If it does, you may have bigger problems than text on a plane. God bless you anyway

    Edited March 11, 2017
  • blenderfanforlife profile picture

    You call us inbred but you can't spell....

    Edited March 22, 2017
  • Omoesiri profile picture

    This is beautiful.

    Written February 16, 2023