Rally Cross BGE

  • April 22, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Disaster
  • License: CC-BY
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One full level of play rally. Package includes: 1. Car physics-based example (the author, alas, can not remember. In the picture there is a small screenshot of the original file) 2. The sound is based on another example (very much altered, it is possible, I think, not even to name the author because it was done with almost 0) 3. Shaders are also not mine, only the settings (screenshots of the source code as in the picture) 4. Lancer 10 as an incredibly beautiful car. 5. A small island.

The game includes: 1. Relatively nice car physics, created the angels through long settings. 2. Fast and prevent damage system of the vehicle via shape keys and magic code. 3. Audio engine with the gear shift, clapping and whistling turbines.

From foreign models to the Radio tower (on this site, but the search for the author lazily through the 3G modem =)

Post vk.com with demo video and more information http://vk.com/pro_blender?w=wall-91587603_2814 (Post in Russian) If you register in this social network - will be able to contact me http://vk.com/id112793174. Comments on Blendswap rarely check =\

P.S. Even afraid to imagine what google translate did with this text, but you must understand my position - I do not speak English. Max - can read technical literature through the word.


  • RedFrost profile picture

    Excellent game my man!

    Edited April 27, 2016
  • CaptainRex profile picture

    WOW ! Ok, that is a must have for any Blend Swap user! Really, really well done.... and I mean that : )

    SO looking forward to updates : ))

    Cheers, Rex

    Written May 01, 2016
  • Disaster profile picture

    I live in Russia, and therefore can't understand the exact meaning of the comment. Hope that work like =) (otherwise, see a rebuke for the fact that the file in most assembled of separate works to another user) I hope, in addition to the aesthetic benefit users will find in the Blendswap file and even practical thereby increasing the popularity of the engine (which would raise its quality developers Blender 3D) Updates can't wait - with this particular file will not be. I'm no longer satisfied with the quality, and fix - lazy =\ While not planning anything in the bge.

    ps Unintelligible Russian swearing in address of google

    Written May 02, 2016
  • 3DHaupt profile picture

    Awesome work! it was a fun to play it :)

    Written May 04, 2016
  • BoomBoom profile picture

    Yeah, good job ... respekt

    Written May 06, 2016
  • mrlobo218gmailcom profile picture

    Credits for your tree and water plz

    Written February 20, 2019