Procedural tongue shader

  • March 01, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Bastable
  • License: CC-0
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The blend contains 2 different shaders for top and bottom and a very quick and poorly modeled tongue, just for demonstration purposes. The plugged in vertex map serves as a little extra coloring, but a painted texture definitely should look much better. The displacement may be a little over the top and shouldn't be necessary in most cases. Hope you like it.


  • OmegaLayer profile picture

    that's seem so realistic, it's disturbing

    Edited March 02, 2016
  • sajibsrs profile picture

    Same here :p

    Edited March 07, 2016
  • CaptainRex profile picture

    YIKES Pew when I looked at that I said, "Self that is just wrong!" : ) Looks wonderful man! Keep up the good work :)

    Cheers, Rex

    Written March 02, 2016
  • Ian1518 profile picture

    huh, I never thought that I would say that but that's a really nice tongue.

    Edited March 02, 2016
  • Bastable profile picture

    Thanks a lot. I really hope there will be some improvements to Cycles procedural texturing in the future, like a warp node for procedurally spreading around a texture (like substance painter does), vertex independ pointiness, voronoy f2-f1 and so on.

    If you have some ideas to improve the shader, feel free to contact me. Happy blending!

    Edited March 03, 2016
  • rdrgodavi profile picture

    what if you'd use Glass Shaders instead of glossy? it seams to deliver a lot more realistic reflections, or even anistropic shaders. The nodes are f*ckin awesome i' m just studing better results for this model and kind of material.

    Written March 16, 2016
  • Tertion profile picture

    Woah, very well done !

    Written March 06, 2016
  • rdrgodavi profile picture

    what if you'd use Glass Shaders instead of glossy? it seams to deliver a lot more realistic reflections, or even anistropic shaders. The nodes are f*ckin awesome i' m just studing better results for this model and kind of material.

    Written March 16, 2016
  • Bastable profile picture

    I've made suitable teeth and mucosa shaders (which I intend to upload in the near future), and i have experimented a lot with glass BSDF. Mostly it results in massively overdone looking harsh reflections and noise like hell. An additional problem is, that glass seems to produce very different results depending on the distance to the camera. It may look good on extreme closeups, but sucks at a certain distance. But you're right, it would look better with a nicer wet-effect on the corners and the bottom of the tongue. I will keep that in mind and try to work on a good solution asap.

    Written March 17, 2016
  • rdrgodavi profile picture

    this study about about reflections helped me a lot, as mentioned in the article the anisotropic shader spreads the darker values much better:

    Written March 23, 2016
  • nepemex profile picture


    Written April 26, 2016
  • gappyfacets profile picture

    One of the best material I ever seen,

    Written July 19, 2016
  • MxD profile picture

    Very nice shader! Good work, thanks for sharing for free!

    Written November 16, 2016
  • zeuros profile picture

    Great !

    Written October 18, 2018
  • MouseAlone profile picture

    great !!!keep up the good work

    Written April 16, 2019
  • kwisgotrez profile picture

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this image-based? Still, looks great

    Written May 02, 2019
  • Bastable profile picture

    No, it's a combination of 2 different fully procedural shaders, mixed with vertex colours. Sadly it doesn't look very nice with EEVEE, but I will make an optimized Version within the next few weeks... hopefully.

    Written July 01, 2019