
  • February 04, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: TiZeta
  • License: CC-BY
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I added an improved version. It has better topology so it deforms better, the armature is well fitted, there is a normalmap and a specular. For now it has a set of idle animations, I plan adding at least a walk. The new mesh is 5289 triangles.

The old version had a lower polygon count (3348 tris), a sitting, walking and idle animation and three diffuse textures. If someone is interested, I can add it back as a separate blend.


  • Riste Sekuloski profile picture
    Riste Sekuloski

    Tizeta, amazing characters as always! You do wonders with such a small amount of polygons!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Edited February 07, 2016
  • AbhinavPandey profile picture


    Edited February 23, 2016
  • Tertion profile picture

    Very cute !

    Amazing what you can do with such a low poly count indeed !

    Edited February 23, 2016
  • Odidi profile picture

    Hello and thank you for the wonderful models you created. kids I used the model in my animation designed for children. and of course I added credits at the end. animation link:


    Edited July 01, 2016
  • androne profile picture

    Amazing, i was just looking something like this, we are trying to create a simple mobile game for a Charity foundation, wich is working with those kids in africa (Sierra Leona dunno if the translation is Lioness Hills...). Don`t know if i gonna use these yet but, gratz anyway. keep the great work. n case we decided to use your models be sure you will be credit properly but not just as the 3d modeler but also as a great artist adding his work and dedication to help those in needs around the world.

    Edited February 05, 2017
  • TiZeta profile picture

    Thanks! I'm glad you like them and I hope they will be useful for the game.

    Written February 09, 2017
  • spencemoon profile picture

    Having a lot of fun with this blend! Wish it was done in cycles as I use it exclusively. As you can see from the image that I'm sharing below, I've modified the characters a bit. I'm currently modifying the rig for creating faster and clean animations. One thing I noticed which is very helpful is that when in bone edit mode, changes made to one character effects all the character bones. Anyway, GO HAWKS!

    Written June 01, 2017
  • hanny111 profile picture

    Thanks much

    Written July 13, 2017
  • dadduci profile picture

    Hey TiZeta!! These models are looking great!! Is there away to have the feet stay in position but move everything from the hips and up down??

    Written April 10, 2018
  • BFC2000 profile picture

    Very very nice (: thanks for sharing.

    Written July 14, 2018
  • mnkymnk2 profile picture

    Thanks so much for making this avaible. I used it in this short animation loop

    Written November 21, 2018
  • varanda profile picture

    Very nice simple models. Perfect for games. I have used it for the following tutorials: English Portuguese:

    Credits are in the video description. Let me know if you want something else (your contact or URL) May create further tutorials and maybe a game.

    Thanks a lot for sharing, Marcelo

    Written January 04, 2019
  • opticaliver profile picture

    Very nice! My kids and I loves it!

    Written March 23, 2019
  • dsasdas12 profile picture

    Thankyou! looks like it's complete version of the kids, your work really help me, thanks again!

    Written June 19, 2019
  • HPGI profile picture

    The file is not textured when i downloaded it, I assume that you changed something while updating the file and forgot to pack the textures in the .blend file. Please update the file as soon as possible, great job on modelling and rigging!!

    Written August 06, 2020
  • SUES Den profile picture
    SUES Den

    appreciated, I wish to see more characters from you

    Written June 17, 2022
  • ColorAce profile picture

    love it so much! where can i find coloriage pages of it?

    Written October 08, 2023