Text Mixer v3

  • December 07, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: robwesseling
  • License: CC-0
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Make text in Blender as you would do ( more or less) like in Photoshop. Like text with outline, drop-shadow, glow, and other effects. Render time is a few seconds.

Here is how to use it:

1) In the outliner select Text_
2) In the viewport go in Edit mode and Edit text. 3) Do the same for Text_outline ( exactly same text). 4) RightClick border of camera in the 3D view, and press G.
And place the camera in the center of the text you made. 5) In the properties panel go to camera > Orthographic Scale, and scale the camera as you wish. 6) Press F12 and some magic happens. 7) In the left window ( 3d view) go to node editor and there you will see settings you can change, like thickness of line, shadow-position,choose and modify background, etc.

There is also an instruction video, but that one is in Dutch. Though it is easy to follow.
