Sopwith Camel F.1 Fan Art

  • November 30, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: pk23
  • License: CC-BY
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British WW1 Sopwith Camel. Free to use just don't take credit :) Note: Camouflage is NOT historically accurate The engine is not historically accurate and neither are the machine guns

Please tell me if there are any problems with the textures! Enjoy :D 100,000 polys


  • simbos57 profile picture

    Hi, I hope you don't mind a little advice 1. Your model is high on verts but isn't high poly, the are 4,000 double verts 2.The are 100,000 verts in the machine gun bullets most of which you can't see. 3. Models are much easier to edit if you separate major parts into separate objects such as wings, wheels, guns etc and name them 4.Try using the edge split modifier on smoothed objects this will get rid of some the strange shading effects.

    Hope this was helpful!

    Edited December 09, 2015
  • pk23 profile picture

    I was wondering where of the polys were. Thanks a ton!

    Written December 11, 2015