Theodore Roosevelt

  • September 09, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: TowerCG
  • License: CC-0
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Theodore Roosevelt

This is actually my first bust, and I had to use a mouse, but I think it turned out pretty well.

Fully 3D Printable (but use supports, and don't be stupid like me and not use high resolution) No hole is cut in the model, and it is completely solid, so that you can use the square stuff on the inside (I own a printer, and don't know any of the names) It is meant more for the printers that use filament spools to lay down one layer at a time, like my BEETHEFIRST 3D Printer

It's four inches tall without the base, which is a separate piece.

Hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions, please ask. :)

(Not sure which of these licences are CC-0, but consider it CC-0 anyhow)


  • Ted3d profile picture

    a very fine model!! I am named after Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy ? Ted) So extra thanks for sharing

    Written March 15, 2016