Moss/Dirt Grower Material -Cycles

  • May 09, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: jakaboxjumping
  • License: CC-BY
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This material allows you complete control over moss grown over any surface: The material will also work for other sort of growth on surfaces; this could be grime and water damage as well!

What this material could be used for:

Old wooden floor Cracks in tiles Damaged structures Anything which has any moss or dirt on it

This material will give you complete control over natural damage to a surface, here is how:

  1. The material uses one noise texture to get the base information needed to know where moss occurs.

  2. Using this noise information the material will check in the light areas where the original surface has dark grooves or indentations and create a BW image to show where moss or dirt will grow.

  3. Using the information above the material will place the dirt/moss shader underneath the surface shader

  4. All of the above uses the variables you put in to alter the power and the size of each dark and light point

What each variable does: (bold- control the effect of the moss/grim on surface)

Moss diffuse- The surface texture of your moss or dirt

Floor Diffuse colour- The surface texture of your floor (wood)

Floor diffuse random darkness- The colour tint to add extra interest/realism

Floor diffuse random darkness power- How much is the dirt/moss affected by the tint

Floor diffuse random darkness noise- The noise pattern for the colour tint

Floor diffuse random darkness noise distort- The distortion of the noise

Floor displacement texture - Texture used to displace the floor

Moss coverage- How much of the floor can have moss/dirt

o Moss noise distortion- The distortion pattern for the moss/dirt coverage

o Moss noise scale- How large is the noise which affects the surface

Moss age- How strong the moss/dirt is on the surface

Moss displacement- How bumpy the moss/dirt is (value)

Moss displacement coverage Controls how sharp the edges of no moss and moss is

Moss v.s. floor- How much the floor texture is used to control the moss

Moss fullness- How strong the noise pattern is for the moss/dirt

Moss Gloss- How shiny is the moss/dirt

Moss gloss roughness- How rough is the moss/dirt

Floor gloss- How shiny is the floor

Floor displacement- How bumpy is the floor


Moss -

Wood floor -


  • Shakti profile picture

    That is great! helpful Thank you

    Written May 11, 2015
  • jakaboxjumping profile picture

    You're welcome!

    Edited May 12, 2015
  • FayZee profile picture

    Wow! Can't wait to try it out :-)

    Written May 12, 2015
  • jakaboxjumping profile picture

    Have fun!

    Written May 12, 2015
  • andywillers profile picture

    This is amazing - works for anything you need to make naturally eroded. Tried it with a couple of metal textures to create a grunge look and it's the most realistic rust I've seen from blender! Amazing work! Edit: Here's a little test I did -

    Written May 14, 2015
  • jakaboxjumping profile picture

    Thanks! Really cool test!

    Written May 14, 2015
  • elpureta profile picture

    Wow, very nice! Thanks

    Written May 23, 2015
  • jakaboxjumping profile picture


    Written May 25, 2015
  • gappyfacets profile picture

    Thank you. I reused your material for dusty floor, simply by convert moss color into black/white. The result is here. The material setting was very useful.

    Edited July 21, 2015
  • jakaboxjumping profile picture

    You got a really nice result! I'm glad you found it useful, thank you for sharing your render with me!

    Written July 24, 2015
  • TheAnimatorOfficial profile picture


    Written January 19, 2017
  • jonnykillick profile picture

    Cant get this to work for some reason- just a brown/green material with no moss. Anyone know what im doing wrong? Or could tell me the steps to adding this to something

    Written March 20, 2019
  • scott profile picture

    very nice

    Written February 13, 2020
  • scott profile picture

    very nice

    Written February 13, 2020
  • scott profile picture

    very nice

    Written February 13, 2020