Wood Panels (textures)

  • December 12, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: z1Rome
  • License: CC-0
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Wood panel texture made from scratch in PS. There are 6 variations and a clean b&w version to make your own. Also normal, displacment, and specular maps. They were meant for tiling one way so not sure how the diffuse maps will looks if you go X and Y. The clean b&w, normal, displacment, and specular maps will all tile both ways without problem though.

Set up one in Cycles to test displacement but this is more of a resource than anything.

Practicing making textures from scratch, hopefully I get better and I can provide us a ton of CC-Zero textures over time. I won't forget about modeling though :)

Maps are 1024

Here's a link to the original 2048's on my OneDrive


  • ErfinGames profile picture

    Thank you! Wery nice! :)

    Written January 29, 2015
  • Bloomer profile picture

    Outstanding work love them and thank u for sharing :)

    Written March 14, 2015