This is the 5th build of the Third Person Game Template for Blender Game Engine. Update notes in blend file. The largest changes are some game defining mechanics, such as a hostage extract mechanic, as well as a "health" system. This will be the final build of the template, unless I think of anything else to better it. Remember, the character is always changeable. Thank you for following the progression of the project, and as always, enjoy! -Spenny
Thanks, I put a lot of time into this whole project :) Be sure to let me know what you do with it!
There are sounds, but i neglected to pack them and now i cannot find them :/ I will add them in the next update :)
i'll look into it, I am trying some new jump logic/anims, and it may take me some time to perfect it.
Slow going, I have not changed enough or added enough to justify uploading it yet. Thank you for asking tho
Definitely interesting, this is my "first contact" with the Blender Game Engine. I'm looking for seeing more about this project.
Its cool, but missing some wav files.