FPS Mouselook Demo Staff Pick

  • July 31, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: CGMasters
  • License: CC-BY
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Demo level by Chris Plush of CG Masters featuring an easy to use mouselook script for FPS camera movements. The script includes a rotation limit so the camera stops when you're looking straight up and straight down. You can find a tutorial on the script at http://www.cgmasters.net/free-tutorials/fps-mouselook-script-plus-real-text/

Updated Aug 8, 2014: Fixed a fullscreen issue where if the cursor moves fast enough and goes out of the camera bounds it no longer registers mouse movement(which runs the script) so no longer controls the camera. I simply added an always sensor to always run the script.


  • Bananaboy profile picture

    Wow this is realy great! Can I ask you how I can make high resolution textures without loosing too much performance? Even if I make a litle szene it lags very hard and I dont know why... :( And somtimes there are everywhere aberrations and the screen flickers between black and the normal view ....

    Written August 01, 2014
  • CGMasters profile picture

    Sounds like a system performance issue to me. Although I'm not a hardware guru, I think generally a good graphics card plus more RAM will do the trick in running scenes faster. What are your system specs? It's also possible that all you need is to download the most current drivers for your graphics card to boost performance. For general tips on texture performance though, I don't make any textures bigger than they need to be(I generally stay around the 1024x1024 size), and I make use of tiling textures instead of creating giant textures for a large area.

    Edited August 01, 2014
  • Bananaboy profile picture

    Ok thank you. your szene runs very fluid with my system and it looks much better than some szen of others! This is the reason I ask :D I try to download new version of my drivers maby it helps :) I blender with my Asus laptop (yes a laptop :D) i5,2,8 GHz,Amd readon 7610M and 4Gb ram.

    Written August 01, 2014
  • CGMasters profile picture

    That seems strange then that you're having low frame rate issues, your systems pretty good. If you want, you can send me a blend file with a scene you made that runs slow for you. I could look it over and figure out why it's lagging and where we can optimize things for better performance. My email is contact@cgmasters.net.

    Edited August 01, 2014
  • ElBarto19 profile picture

    Verry Nice !!!! <3

    Edited August 02, 2014
  • peacemaker1011 profile picture

    awesome man!!!!!!!

    Written August 04, 2014
  • JDHaller profile picture

    This is so cool Thank for sharing and all the tips!! :) Will be looking at the tutorials. Thanks again!

    Edited August 04, 2014
  • Thsd1 profile picture

    oh my god so freaking awesome! if you let me use this and turn it into a game i promise i will give the fullest extent of credit i could possibly give!

    Written September 02, 2014
  • CGMasters profile picture

    Of course you can use this! It's released under CC 3.0 Attribution, meaning you can use it or even modify it however you want and for whatever you want, as long as you credit "Chris Plush at cgmasters.net" as the author. -Chris

    Written September 15, 2014
  • Misheck profile picture

    Is there a tutorial somewhere on how you made this scene ?

    Written October 28, 2014
  • CGMasters profile picture

    A lot of the models and textures were created in an old training course of mine that's no longer available but I am working on a new game modeling and texturing course that should be out in about 2 months. -Chris

    Written November 23, 2014
  • altcare profile picture

    How can you add jump?

    Written February 03, 2015
  • CGMasters profile picture

    An easy way would be to give the ground a game property called "ground", and on the dynamic actor add logic bricks to detect if its colliding with the ground property AND the keyboard jump button is pressed, then connect it to a motion actuator with vertical force. I think some options have been added for jump but I actually haven't played much with the game engine in years, I'm unfortunately out of touch with any developments at this point so search around youtube for recent bge tutorials. -Chris

    Written August 03, 2015
  • pawel profile picture

    How do you actually run it? If I just do "Start Game Engine", there's a lot of flickering around the edges and I can only move, but the mouse doesn't work.

    Written July 26, 2015
  • CGMasters profile picture

    It might be a version conflict as this was tested in 2.71. Not sure how that would create flickering though, that sounds like more of a hardware issue though I'm not really sure. The mouse not working is probably due to scripts needing the line "import bge" at the top of them in the latest blender versions. There's also a new mouselook actuator which partially outdates some of the mouselook script in this blend. -Chris

    Written August 03, 2015
  • CastleBuilder3d profile picture

    Added the "Import bge" script to the top. Works fine. Had to scale it down a bit (and reduce the walk speed a bit) as the camera is about 8' up (buildings are about 75' tall). Other than the weird scale issue which is oddly common...why not real world scale stuff? Very nice. Thanks.

    Written May 08, 2016
  • CGMasters profile picture

    Hmm, maybe I'm missing something. The scene uses the scale 1 blender unit = 1 foot and in that sense everything is scaled realistically(20ft building minus the roof, 5ft camera level, 3ft barrel, etc). Are you asking why I didn't set the measurement to imperial or metric in the scene properties? If that's the case then there's no real answer to that. -Chris

    Written July 05, 2016
  • visualizer2015 profile picture

    hey I just checked this file everything is fine but mouse doesn't work at all! i m using 2.77 version. Is there any fix ? CastleBuilder3d said something to add but I dnt know where and how. I m not programmer. any help?

    Written June 23, 2016
  • CGMasters profile picture

    Open up the text editor window in Blender. Then from the header load in the mouselook.py script, scroll to the top and paste "import bge" without the quotes at the top. This should fix things. However this script is outdated now that there's a mouselook actuator in more recent versions of Blender. -Chris

    Edited July 05, 2016
  • visualizer2015 profile picture

    Bingo! It worked very well...! Thx. for this tip ! :D however just a query, how do I make jumping & climbing. is there any script which can be added to this?

    Written July 08, 2016
  • CGMasters profile picture

    Sorry I'm not sure what the best ways are to do this anymore, it's been a long time since I've done any real bge game functionality. -Chris

    Written August 03, 2016
  • mervsky21 profile picture

    This FPS Demo is great. :) Liked. Great textures by the way.

    Written August 19, 2017
  • bimalhessa profile picture

    The scene looks awesome.Thanks for sharing

    Written February 13, 2018