
  • January 18, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: josepetri
  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
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Set of philips screwdriver and keys.

leoncenedy help me with the material used on the handle, the result is very better than what I did, thank you to improve the model =]

I did a uv map in colored cable material, to give a better finish, like painting.

Hope you enjoy, feel free to send questions and suggestions.


  • TowerCG profile picture

    Looks Great!!!

    Edited January 19, 2014
  • josepetri profile picture

    Thank you =] But, I can't make a realistic plastic body, I want to change for something more realistic.

    Edited January 20, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    your Screwdriver with new material. do is it plastic enough?

    tell me if you like see the node tree of this material.

    Written January 23, 2014
  • josepetri profile picture

    Thank you for you help and interest =], is almost there, how you can see in this link what I looking for: That material look like solid, with a bit of translucent and a layer of glossy, I try but i can't do the same refraction and solid of this image, if you look the 3D model you can see on the bottom that is look like a hollow =/ And the iron part don't made the same reflection inside the plastic like a original picture =/

    Edited January 23, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    ok i saw it.

    yours model, is very good.

    but little different of original, then you get different render result( refraction and lighting) than original.

    not much different, original material than my material.

    one bit more glossy and refraction of my result.

    but you don't forget, effect of other environment in the scene.

    because result is constraint to all scene environment and scene light... and etc.

    perfect and realistic render,only is possible by used the very resource, also cost very long time for rendering.

    for example, in game engine usually used fake effect of scene environment and scene light.

    Unreal Engine have nice realistic render, but by used fake effect of scene environment (not real time), that is different of original (real object).

    ... and ... etc.


    i try do it.

    Written January 24, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    this is refraction and translucent and glossy.

    top camera:

    perspective camera:

    is good !?

    Written January 24, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    yeah pretty good, i think this is near to something that in your mind.

    top camera:

    perspective camera:

    Written January 24, 2014
  • josepetri profile picture

    I really liked what you did in the second image, the result was perfect =] It is very difficult to work with these materials and reach a good level of realism, your render really seems that the material is solid and translucent. Can you share the material? Or send a print of node? Thank you for spend your time on this material and help to improve the 3D model =]

    Edited January 24, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    yeah ok, please wait.

    Written January 24, 2014
  • leoncenedy profile picture

    pass: leonKennedy

    node tree image for red glass material.

    Written January 24, 2014