2 large windows, nice for any house that needs some real light! Blue tint glass can be change in materials!
If you render the image at 1024 x 1024 it will fit the screen correctly so it doesn't cut parts off just something to think about next time :)
In blender cycles or blender render there will be a tab in the properties section that looks like a camera when you click on that it gives you a bunch of render options just change the resolution on the X and Y axis to 1024 x 1024 and it will fit the blendswap page better. :)
i need help i need you all i don't need but it would help model and texture a arsenal of guns ('hi poly") an if you wand a rigged Guy Proffered textured
You say you need guns and a textured man? If that's right, I'll try!
When you make your animation using my window, send me a link to it :D
Hey guys, just uploaded this the other day! Although you can't see them, there is two windows and unfortunately they hid the better of the two! :P Oh well, I hope you like them! They'll be great for any animation using a house! Send me a link to any animation it's used in!