Vortex Based Mathematics is an exciting new method of studying zero-point energy.
The Parametric ABHA Torus, is the simplest way to generate many size VBM tori.
(Thank you Liero for the base blenderfile
: http://blenderartists.org/forum/member.php?61444-liero
: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?243551#post2036553)
This blend file was used to create content for the movie Randy's Donuts, a documentary by Curtis Hedges and TBLN films, to premier December 25th 2013.
@MiD-AwE I installed every version of Blender going back to 2.49 as they came out. They don't take up much room and it allows me to open and edit any model.
This is an impressive piece of work.
I read the whole Blender Artists thread ID 243551.
I don't understand the concept of zero-point energy, despite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy.
But the pattern produced would make it easy for colouring a child's inflatable swimming ring with a nice swirl design, say two diamond's width for each band, just going one way.
I could accomplish this by selecting faces manually but wondered (only idly) if there were a mathematical formula that would select these diagonal bands.
You may find this tip helpful. Follow these steps:
(Keep it selected the whole time)
Properties>Modifiers>Add modifier>Subdivision surface
Catmul clark algorithm (default setting)
Subdivisions: 2
Apply modifier
Properties>Modifiers>Add modifier>Decimate
Change the setting to Un-Subdivide
Iterations: 1
Apply modifier
VoilĂ .
Source: Pablo Vazquez "Grid Twirl - Mesh Trick in Blender" on Youtube
I finally found some time to convert this for Blender 2.8. Found @ blendswap.com/blend/25794
I finally updated this on to work under blender versions under 2.8. This one is compatible with existing web exporters.
It seems that this blend has an issue with newer versions of blender. You will have to remove the rotation from the empty, and enable auto run scripts for it to work as expected.