This is Illumina.
She has about 20000 triangles and was fully optimized to run in Blender Game Engine in real time.
She is fully textured and shaded but has no rig.
I've made her to show case my mastery in modeling/shading/texturing.
The entire shade can be adjusted with the node editor, so if you want red hair, blue specular or anything alike you can achive it by simply adjust the curves/values.
The thing that would make me the most happy person on the planet would be seing her moving in an actual game.
Thanks poifox! I've featured on her my 12 years of blender experience :)
Couldn't resist adding her to my collection. Weeping that I'm bad at rigging.
Thanks for adding her Makabey! I'm a good rigger, but these days I have to work to make a living so I need to prioritise paid work. Illumina ended up sleeping on my hard drive so I decided to free her :)
Hey DonCliche, Thanks! You do can model like that and even better :) No joking, I started my careerer as a construction worker helper. What you see in Illumina is the result of many years of daily work and there's still room for improvements.
@Szani: Thanks! @Zuaxis: I can't do it by these days due time constraints, sorry! :) @plaintextures: Thanks!
Been having a go at trying to rig it - I don't think I can do it! The problem is that there are lots of separate meshes, it's not a manifold model, and I'm not super great at rigging neither... :(
Oh well - perhaps a more experienced Blenderer could have a go!
@specsdude Yes, It will require advanced rigging knowledge and patience.
@evilvisitor: Thanks! I'm glad you've enjoyed her! I was planing to use her on a RPG or something like a Shenmue game :)
Note: I'm not using the "Reply" button for each person because I can't by some reason. Hope everyone is receiving my replies this way.
The reply button is fixed now, as is the youtube auto-embed generator for domain too :)
Awesome model! Texturing on the purse is amazing. Will take a shot at rigging her with rigify. Have you ever used it? It's great for rigging people, and not too difficult. Thanks!
Hey daveonfire806! Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed it :) I Haven't tried rigify yet but I know it's a very powerful rig because I've animated characters that used it on the past. Illumina has special needs regarding her rig, but it should work fine after some adjustments.
...By the way I'll take this opportunity to wish an Happy New Year to all the Blend Swap community! :)
She's perfect, the details are amazing, I didn't thought about how powerful is the game engine, your work is amazing....
Hey homarorozco! Thanks feels great to read your comment! Blender Game Engine is neat. I'm no coder, but for me if feels that if it was updated to OpenGL 4 it would be just as powerfull as anything.
Looks like a good model. I'm working on a first person shooter and she may end up being a character.
That would be awesome, Thanks! Feel free to mail me if you do include her rogpertoons(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I am using her in my game and have her fully animated :) if you want to see her moving I could record it. Its a RPG for android/iOS :D
screenshot (keep in mind that its a mobile game, so low quality graphics :p)
Wow! :D I would love to see her moving, it looks great! Sorry the late replly but I've been working more then full time on an Epic project.
Hey bro, I could make her into a game, if you could make more of these models for me... We can chat on my email,
It would be a really complex and awesome game... You could be head modeler :)
Hey framerboy, I'm usually very bussy with my regular custmers, but sure! I do this for living after all, if you can pay for it I can do it :) I'll e-mail you soon. Sorry the late repply I've been working on an undertaking project.
Great model ... I think she is going to be a busy girl ;) Thanks for sharing :)
Very clean! Texturing is spot on. Taking her in to be Rigified! Bravo!
Ok Riggified with pitchipoy. Very cool to see her smile and wink!
Do want me to send you the file, temporarily post and remove under my prolife and once you grab it I'll remove the post or just post under my profile?
@majornightmare it's unlikely that @rogper will see your messages, this file was posted years ago and he's a busy man :p
Hey MajorNightmare and poifox!
Indeed I don't have much free time these days, but from time to time I do come here to grab one or other resource. Today I was looking for leather jackets and on of the results was my Illumina :P
Thank you very much poifox for replying MajorNightmare!
MajorNightmare: I'll verify it immediately :) Thanks for giving it a go... I also have to give a look to the "pitchipoy" you've mentioned. I don't make a clue what it is.
Hey poifox, ok didn't realize it was that old. I'll post, give him credits and put a link under the commets here... Thx done, get it here...
Rigged get it here... cheers
Illumina is, from now on licensed under the Public Domain. She's all grown up now, I think she will do well alone :P
Hi. Whats the license for this, it is marked cc-0 on blendswap but CC BY NC 3.0 in the attached license file and CC BY NC in the blender comments.
Hello! Sorry for the late reply! Only now noticed your question! It's CC-0, you can do whatever you want with it! It started as CC BY NC 3.0 but I later decided to have it as CC-0
Hello! Sorry for the late reply! Only now noticed your question! It's CC-0, you can do whatever you want with it! It started as CC BY NC 3.0 but I later decided to have it as CC-0 Sorry for the confusion and thanks for checking!
Hey @rogper , it's great to see you around!
Illumina is amazing! great job! :D