Sharkigator Node Collection (Rev 004)

  • January 11, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Sharkigator
  • License: CC-0
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Rev 004

My personal collection of nodes for Blender. More information and tutorials at

PBR Nodes are by CynicatPro:

The EdgeNode is from BlenderNPR:

You can contact me if you want your own nodes to be shared, if you have an idea for a node or if you know how to improve a certain node.


Screentone Setup (for both Blender Internal / Cycles)

Soft AO Cel Shading Setup (Blender Internal)


=== Misc === 7Segment

=== Distortion === Barrel Distortion (Inverse) | Barrel Distortion Autozoom (Inverse)

=== Converters === Grayscale | Separate HSL | Combine HSL | Combine HSL Max Channel Only | Separate YUV 601 / 709 | Combine YUV 601 / 709 | Separate YCbCr 601 / JPEG

=== Screen === LCDScreen Filter | Pixelate | Screen Shader

=== Posterize === Posterize HSV | Posterize RGB | Posterize YUV

=== PBR === Fresnel Simple | Reflection Simple | Metallic Simple

=== Helpers === Round | Round Vector | Scale Vector | Vector Length


=== NPR === EdgeNode v 1.2.4 | LineSquiggle

=== Misc === Matcap | NormalPass to NormalMap


  • Wig42 profile picture

    Thank you, it's always nice to look over someones node groups. I learn a lot from analising other peoples work. Thanks for sharing.

    Edited January 18, 2016
  • Sharkigator profile picture

    I'm glad that you like it. I'll update this collection every time I've got a bunch of new nodes. If you've got an idea for a node, you can tell me, then I can try to create it ^.^

    Written January 19, 2016
  • 2Theo profile picture

    Thank you for sharing this collection ! I liked very much the pixelate node. Really brillant !

    Written January 19, 2016
  • Sharkigator profile picture

    I'm happy that you find them useful.

    Written January 20, 2016
  • pauljs75 profile picture

    Thanks for the good hint on how to do 7-segment displays on your blog. I borrowed the vertex color layout idea for the digits on a power-indicator-meter I made, however I'm not sure if my node groups are the same as yours. (Wanted to figure it out for myself first.) I guess I'll have to give yours a look-over to see if they're the same or different. In my case it took a lot of boolean style stuff with node groups for each number and using the modulo function for numbers to keep repeating.

    Written February 18, 2017
  • kevinharte36 profile picture

    How do you use it?

    Written March 01, 2019