ninja-haya chan

  • February 13, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: swordsd
  • License: CC-BY
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preview image was composed in gimp with 2 renders at diffrent angles.



birthday: aug 5th

height: 4 feet 7 inches

weight: 78 pounds

Lore: haya was born into a poor class during the late middle ages. her family worked as farmers on a plantation in japan what is now called sapporo. sadly the money they made on the plantation wasnt eneough to support the family. as a result haya the eldest of two asked to work as a ninja. her parents were hesitant but evetually ranout of choices to turn to.

general: since i watch alot of anime my models are influenced by the charactors in them. this one is based off of 3 charactors from diffrent shows but resembles none of them. name is origional. pigtails has a cloth sim with it in layer 9. image 2 is what file opens with. hope you like :D


  • swordsd profile picture

    i started my next model and if you want to have influence on it any tips or interests you have are much appreciated.

    Written February 15, 2015
  • auhsoj05 profile picture

    There seems to be a vertex that is not painted right to the head bones.

    Written February 27, 2015
  • Shadahan profile picture


    Written February 16, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    thanks :D

    Written February 16, 2015
  • IchwanMC profile picture

    so kawaiii :D

    Written February 20, 2015
  • ProCoder profile picture

    Great! Do you have any resources how to do such amazing cartoon characters? :)

    Written February 27, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    not really. just make sure you have a reference image front and side view. i have been using blender for about 5 years. i cant really say that made me good at making model cause i only became good at it these past few months. all i can is it takes a lot of dedication, and YouTube tutorials. cant forget about those.

    here is a tutorial series i watched about 3 times last year to learn. didn't work so well for me but it helped alot in my workflow and how i look at a mesh. edge loops are a curious thing. XD

    Edited February 27, 2015
  • TheChristianBachelor profile picture

    Is it rigged?

    Written March 21, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture


    Written April 02, 2015
  • thijsguelen22 profile picture

    Is it okay if i use this character in a game i am trying to develop? I'll try to keep as close to your storyline as possible.

    Written June 07, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    sorry for such a late reply. but sure you can use it in your game. also you don't need to use the history i made if you don't want to

    Written June 21, 2015
  • Challenger profile picture

    Great job!

    Written January 27, 2016
  • ramlig profile picture

    can i use this for my project swordsd?

    Written April 05, 2017
  • swordsd profile picture

    sure, would love to see it when you're done too. GL to ya mate. ^-^

    Written April 06, 2017
  • RUMBA profile picture

    Great job! It's so kawaiii!!

    Written January 21, 2018
  • Gluomme profile picture

    Great model, she's more or less what I was looking for, but I still have some critics to make: I tried to put here in the "knees against the chin" position and her calves are a little bit too long so it doesn't work (^w^') I wouldn't have seen it otherwise though so no problem. Keep up the good work !

    Written September 30, 2018
  • AkibNurr profile picture

    awesome work ! :D

    Written November 14, 2018
  • titan profile picture

    very good I am from Iran. And we work a lot with Blender. Congratulations

    Written April 30, 2020