BlendFighter (Rigged)

  • August 26, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ChrisKuhn
  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
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A rigged fighter aircraft model. It's my own design, but it draws heavily on the F-35, X-29, and Russian Su-47. Drag the various control arrows on their axes to operate the rig.

This was created for a tutorial on

Tutorial Link

NOTE: This model is released CC-BY-NC-SA; it's intended for educational use and may not be used commercially without prior approval from


  • nephilim profile picture


    Edited August 26, 2014
  • floydkids profile picture

    It is really cool!

    Written August 26, 2014
  • KBStudio profile picture

    can i use this beautifully modelled work for my game ? ill write your name in the credits under modell artists -> this jet :D would be really asomwe

    Written August 28, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Glad you like it... thanks! Per my agreement with CGCookie, I can release the model here on Blendswap for any non-commercial use. If you want to use it commercially, however, then you need to obtain permission from them( Thanks!

    Written August 28, 2014
  • RikSavage profile picture

    Excellent work bud. This rig is amazing

    Written August 28, 2014
  • Sakrecoer profile picture

    Thank you! you rock KuhnIndustries! love your work!!!

    Written September 12, 2014
  • sendinthejagdpanther profile picture

    I haven't had chance to open this blend yet, but from what i remember this is a really awesome aircraft design. I've seen some of your demonstrations with it and tutorials, it's great to see it released. really appreciated. And including rigging for others to learn from is a great bonus. Thanks

    P.s. 2 megabytes, well done on making the file so small

    Written September 29, 2014
  • jesus25 profile picture

    Que gran Obra amigo de verdad Espero y sigas muy bueno saludos...

    Written October 07, 2014
  • cbas profile picture

    super cool model and rigging. I'm going to do some camera tracking with this baby taking off :)

    Written October 12, 2014
  • cbas profile picture

    one crit though... when I started animating it I noticed the rigging is a bit off in the pitch control. the wing pitches up while the tail pitches down and vice versa. that region needs attention/re-rigging

    this setup only works in a canard wing concept

    Written October 14, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    That's actually not true.

    If you look at [fighters taking off] (, they have their flaps down and the horizontal stabilizers are pointing toward the ground.

    The horizontal stabilizers are barely used in the air, but they still perform the same function. You can see it slightly in [this high-G turn] ( The reason it isn't more pronounced is that at higher speeds, you get a lot of effect with only a small movement of the control surface.

    Ideally, these surfaces would be independently rigged... but I built this for a [tutorial] (, so I chose simplicity over perfection :)

    Feel free to improve it and share!


    Written October 21, 2014
  • erikscott profile picture

    Most modern fighters use both tailerons (That is, a fully moving horizontal stabilizer that has both ganged and differential control for pitch and roll control respectively) and ailerons on the wings exclusively for roll control. Flaps (The control surfaces on the inboard section of the wing's trailing edge) are used to increase the overall lift coefficient of the wing, which is useful at slow speeds such as takeoff and landing where the dynamic pressure is low. These are independent of elevator control, and are almost never done deferentially. And the horizontal surfaces are MOST CERTAINLY used in high speed flight. Their movements might be reduced at higher speeds, however, as they offer a lot more authority; more than the pilot or aircraft could handle.

    On some aircraft (The F/A-18 comes to mind) the ailerons are dropped together when the flaps are deployed to their lower position, further increasing lift. The ailerons still function is this condition, though their positions have simply been offset. The elevators may be further up at low speeds, but again, this is independent of flap position; the elevator is merely trimmed for low speed flight.

    Flaps may occasionally be used in other flight conditions. For instance, the pilot may make a sudden, large pitch-up command. The flaps may deploy briefly to provide the extra lift to initiate the maneuver, but are then washed out. This is all handled by the control system and is transparent to the pilot. Again, I want to stress that this is due to flight conditions and pilot commands, and not a link between flap and elevator positions.

    Written December 07, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Err... yeah. What Eric said :)

    Written December 08, 2014
  • rince1 profile picture


    Written October 16, 2014
  • samstrong69 profile picture


    Written December 31, 2014
  • TARDISMaker profile picture

    Wow, this is awesome. I love the rig. I'm planning on using it with some of the new video copilot city footage for a flyover. It should be pretty awesome.

    Written February 25, 2015
  • atzibala profile picture

    Great tutorial and model. No textures?

    Written October 06, 2015
  • Astro1derboy profile picture

    Chris, I've learned a lot just by nosing around your .blend files. I love your earlier tuts. Would love to see more. Keep up the great work!

    Written June 23, 2016
  • ThunderOwl profile picture

    Thank you for this sharing! Not going to use it anywhere "as is", but it sure can be a lot of learning material for Blender beginner like I am.

    Written August 30, 2018
  • acidbullet profile picture

    Fantastic design brother!

    Written January 17, 2019
  • kerbosos profile picture


    Written January 21, 2020
  • DonB profile picture

    Like this!

    Written October 11, 2023