Space Fighter "Butterfly"

  • August 26, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: drzacek
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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A small space craft, loosely based on Star Trek universum. I wanted it to look like a sports car, so it could shoot bad guys and look nice while doing it. It is very simple model. I came up with the idea while idling at work, did some quick sketches and here it is


  • Maverick776 profile picture

    Dude, this is a pretty snazzy looking model. Great job!

    You mentioned the Star Trek influence, which is interesting; before i read your description I was thinking 'The "wings" kinda remind me of the Scorpion fighter from Star Trek: Nemesis'. It also reminded me of the Spinner from Blade Runner too, for some reason I can't quite figure.

    Written August 28, 2014
  • drzacek profile picture

    Thanks. Yeah, the idea was very influenced by scorpion fighter. If you played Star Trek Online, there are also many other fighters, like Deferi Shuttle, which also inspired me.

    Written August 28, 2014