Basic Lamp

  • December 30, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: blenderjunky
  • License: CC-0
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I have been trying to firm up my modeling skills by creating basic objects from a single mesh object like a cube or sphere. This is a basic lamp that I modeled from a single sphere. I did cheat just a little by duplicating the base of the lamp and using it to create the shade but I ultimately joined the two together to once more make a single object. I am still very new to using blender and am thoroughly enjoying the process. I have learned much from the work that all of you are doing on this site. This blend has a single glass lamp, lighting and a basic suround to show that the lamp is actually glass. The texture that I used on the shade is from If its useful for you please use it. If you do you don't have to give credit but let me know if it is something that you like so that I know that I am on the right track with using blender. Concordantly if you have any suggestions on how this can be made easier please let me know.


  • sizzler profile picture

    Looks pretty nice to me! I have created several lamps myself here on BlendSwap. One comment is that creating the entire thing out of one object is more useful as an exercise than practical work. For instance, in my models I made the bulb socket and harp as separate objects so that I can reuse them. It's also much easier to texture if each material belongs to a separate object as well.

    Written January 01, 2014
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Thanks for the tips. I never really looked at it like that before. I primarily kept it as one object to keep the blend file small. Haven't really gotten the hang of making smaller or more compact blends. My computer tends to lag as a result of that little inability on my part.

    Written January 10, 2014
  • FayZee profile picture

    The glass base is pretty.

    @sizzler: I agree on keeping the meshes separate for re-use. Just group or parent rather than join if the parts can be re-used.

    Written January 01, 2014