
  • July 08, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: ebbele
  • License: CC-BY
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Small Set of full Manageable Pliers. Pliers are Controlled by Surrounding Box. Dimensions should be the same size as in Real World. The Long Nose Pliers comes with 3 Shapes.

Wrench is Controlled by Properties like the Pliers.

3 Shapes, and the Center of Rotation are Manageable. The Number of Wrench Size is a simple Text, which has to be changed on increasing the Wrench.

Size is in mm. If you want to scale it more than 32mm just change the max Value of "Wrench Size" Property


  • FayZee profile picture

    Extremely useful - thank you for sharing.

    Written July 08, 2013
  • ebbele profile picture

    You're Welcome ! Going to some more next days. Maybe it's going to be a whole toolset.

    Edited July 09, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    If you are thinking of other tools, I'd like to see a set of spanners: the ones that are open at one end and closed in a circle at the other end. I haven't noticed any on Blendswap before, though there have been several blends of nuts and bolts.

    Written July 10, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    Brilliant update to the model, Tobias! That spanner is just exactly the tool I had in mind. And it's a perfect example. Thank you very much indeed :-)

    Having just carefully studied I now know it is called a Combination Spanner (British) or a "Combination Wrench" (American).

    In future, I shall have to research differences between British and American English. We British tend to use the term "spanner" as opposed to "wrench".

    But it's amazing just how many different types of spanners there are, all developed for different purposes and/or situations.

    Once again, first rate :-)

    Written July 16, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    I would like to point out one thing, though: the fact that you have added a completely different tool to this model might go unnoticed by many. I see that 3 days passed before you added the spanner/wrench update to the original model.

    I only knew about it myself because you were good enough to message me (for which I thank you). But even then, I have literally only just seen your message, and at the time of writing, the model is now listed at number 19 on page 6.

    What I'm driving at is that I think it's really good, plus I still believe it's the only example of this particular tool, and I'd like it to be seen, of course!

    Written July 16, 2013
  • DudeImmaAnimator profile picture


    Written October 22, 2013
  • RjLD profile picture

    woow its very nice model

    Written April 19, 2017
  • Bruceelzebub profile picture

    Very, very nicely done!

    Written November 19, 2021